To Err is Human, to Arr is Pirate!!

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Busy, Busy, Busy!

Wow, May and June have been crazy!!  Work has been hectic for both Sadim and I.  The baby is growing so fast and ready to take on the world.  Will this ever slow down??  I doubt it. 
We had a wonderful weekend trip to San Diego in May.  Quick, but fun!!  Baby loves it out there, just as much as his mommy does!!  Daddy is another story!

Here is a shot of baby Sadim at Seaport Village enjoying the weather!!

He just wants to be a big boy so bad!!  He is trying to walk now! 

And he is dancing!!  He loves his Elmo!! 

Hope it slows down a little this summer, though I doubt it, we have baby's 1st birthday in a month and a couple of vacations coming up!!  I guess it wouldn't be as exciting if we slowed down!!